13 Best Mansion Minecraft Seeds Xbox One City

Check out my video to see what each seed offers coordinates to each location in the seed and to see the mansions.
Mansion minecraft seeds xbox one city - Thankfully the minecraft seed community is widespread and ever growing. 760 2960 nothing is more waterfront than a mansion with a river running under it. I found some weird seeds awesome survival seeds and just about every kind of seed that a budding minecraft player could ever want. This list was created on minecraft 1 14 4 java edition but other versions should work.
Minecraft xbox seeds all of the seeds below are for the minecraft bedrock edition also know as the better together version. That s why in this list we ve put together 5 seeds that will spawn you at or near a woodland mansion. You may need some buckets for this one. Tons of coordinates included below.
5056807151542616608 this is a great seed that loads you up with tons of resources including 200 diamonds 30 emeralds two villages right next to the spawn and more. These are 5 minecraft mansion seeds for you all to use and enjoy. This means new seeds are being discovered on an almost daily basis. Here are some of the best seeds for the xbox one version of the game.
And then you also have a accacia village close by. This seed spawns you right close to a woodland mansion set up beautifully in the mountains. 5 1622337865842322943 4 6355774298150854651 3 3957814017564273316 2. Spawn near a beach with tons of islands and biomes.
Browse and download minecraft mansion maps by the planet minecraft community. Due to the significance and importance of woodland mansions in minecraft it s always a good idea to be near one. 568564931 a general seed but one with enough room for a city.
568564931 a general seed but one with enough room for a city. Mansion Minecraft Seeds Xbox One City Due to the significance and importance of woodland mansions in minecraft it s always a good idea to be near one. Browse and download minecraft mansion maps by the planet minecraft community. Mansion Minecraft Seeds Xbox One City Spawn near a beach with tons of islands and biomes. 5 1622337865842322943 4 6355774298150854651 3 3957814017564273316 2. Xbox Minecraft 7 Team S Idea