13 Best Minecraft Nether Update New Mobs Strider

Minecraft news it is another wednesday my dudes brand new minecraft java edition snapshot has released this is snapshot 20w13a introducing a new mob called the strider which helps players get across lava.
Minecraft nether update new mobs strider - A new mob the strider joins the ranks of minecraft s expansive list and players can actually ride these creatures to traverse oceans of lava. In the nether two to four striders spawn on spaces of lava that are two blocks tall with an air block above. 25th march 2020 categories. Minecraft 1 16 nether update new strider mob author.
Minecraft 1 16 nether update new strider mob author. Minecraft Nether Update New Mobs Strider 25th march 2020 categories. In the nether two to four striders spawn on spaces of lava that are two blocks tall with an air block above. Minecraft Nether Update New Mobs Strider A new mob the strider joins the ranks of minecraft s expansive list and players can actually ride these creatures to traverse oceans of lava. Minecraft Nether Update Patch Notes Live Update 1 16 0 Java