13 Best Minecraft Ore Y Levels

It can be found in the nether and it is the main source of netherite scrap.
Minecraft ore y levels - Features and effects by height 2 1024 1 7976931348623 10 308 largest height minecraft can distinguish from infinity java s double max value. It is a crucial material to gather during the early stages of the game since it can be made into a pickaxe capable of mining all types of ores including diamond ore. Around y level 13 is where you will have to mine to be able to find. Now you may be curious about ancient debris y level.
Coal from its ore can be used to smelt other ores such as gold and iron for storage purposes or building. So for example ruby is found between y 0 and 70. It can be found in veins as large as 8 blocks of ore. It floats on lava in item form and it is not able to be burned by any other forms of fire.
For example if an ore has a max height of 100 that ore will be spread across the height of an entire mountain or spread across the height of the ocean floor. Iron ore is a common ore found almost everywhere in a minecraft world. Iron ore generates around and below sea level in the overworld. Sea level would appear at y 63 and cloud level would appear at y 128.
If your ground is at the standard water level of y 64 then the ruby ore will be found between y 0 and y 45. In minecraft ancient debris is an ore which is rare. To check what layer you re on check the y value on your map f3 on pc fn f3 on mac. Every iron ore block contains enough iron to make one iron ingot when it is smelted.
Lava frequently appears between layers 4 10.
Lava frequently appears between layers 4 10. Minecraft Ore Y Levels Every iron ore block contains enough iron to make one iron ingot when it is smelted. To check what layer you re on check the y value on your map f3 on pc fn f3 on mac. Minecraft Ore Y Levels In minecraft ancient debris is an ore which is rare. If your ground is at the standard water level of y 64 then the ruby ore will be found between y 0 and y 45. 1 1 Blocks And Items Qcraft Wiki